Community Hub

Check out the many local clubs and organisations that now call The Surf Club at Muriwai their home:

Muriwai Volunteer Lifeguard Service

Muriwai Sports Fishing Club

Maori Bay Board Riders

Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust

Muriwai Arts

Muriwai Playgroup

Frame of Mind Film Club

Muriwai Community Association

Muriwai Tennis Club

Muriwai Beach Open Mic 

The Surf Club at Muriwai is available for local residents and groups to use at nominal cost (the cost of power, gas, cleaning etc).  In addition to the clubs that now call it home, the facilities are used for a multitude of other activities. If you are interested in practising yoga or pilates, learning Te Reo, participating in a monthly ‘open mic’ music session or joining others to watch your favourite sport on the big screen then The Surf Club at Muriwai offers what you want.

Need a venue to stage your event or activity?

Contact us now to discuss how we can work together via our contact page.